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1. Organize the spontaneous dates after marriage.

 Remember those feelings that filled your heart when you waited for the long-awaited date with your loved one? It’s even hard to describe such feelings with words. Why do you think that marriage is a barrier for the dates? Don’t you just want to experience those feelings again? Of course, you want to! You can show how much you really care and love your significant other by continuing to date him or her. Keep the fires burning and the romance returns into your relationships.

2. Don’t stop flirting with each other.

 As well as with dating sometimes we forget to continue flirting with the partner after marriage. Maybe you  think that marriage is the flirt by itself! Unfortunately, no! Even if you’re married and very happy in your marriage  never stop flirting with each other. The flirt always shows that you love each other,  you are interested in each other,  and your feelings remain so strong and hot as they were at the beginning.

3. Send the sweet romantic text message or I love you meme every day for your loved one.

Think how delighted your partner will be after receiving some sweet message, or I love you meme especially if it’s unexpected. Don`t be afraid to show your love at any time you want to do that. Nowadays there are so many nice examples of cute romantic text messages and memes that can help you show your loved one how deep your love is.

4. Kiss or give your spouse a big hug unexpectedly.

 Don’t forget about the power of touching. Spontaneous kiss or hugs will always be pleasant and  tender expressions of your interest and help to show how important your partner  is.

5. Leave all your gadgets away and listen attentively when you’re together.

 Today a lot of different gadgets surround us. Try to leave them far away when you’re with your significant other. When you’re sitting in the living room together, it’s time to pay attention to each other and not to surf the Net or  be glued to Facebook.  Try to spend as much time with your loved one as possible!

6. Prepare and share your spouse’s favorite meal.

 Food holds more power than you may think. If you know what your loved one prefers to eat,  it means that you know your spouse very well. Make a surprise! One day you can prepare your spouse`s favorite dish or dishes and organize a romantic dinner at home. In such a way, you show how much you know about your partner and how you want to do things for the person that you love.

7. Always make time for a good morning and good night kisses.

 As you’ve been in a relationship for a long time it doesn’t mean that there is no need to kiss each other. It`s an important thing to find time for kisses at least in the morning and at night. Kiss your loved one regularly and show your  passion to your partner.

8. Don’t forget to say “Thank you” and “Sorry”.

 It seems that these two words  “Thanks” and “Sorry” are so easy to say! But how often YOU forget to express them, though.  These words can do wonders and change your attitude to each other. Saying “Thank You” or “Sorry” is a nice way to make your loved one feel gratitude and respect and feel wanted. It’s a cool way to remind yourself and them about your love!

9. Do something together.

 Try to share the interests and hobbies of your loved one.  You can spend more time together, you show that you’re interested in your partner and you can also have fun together.  Doing things together helps you grow closer as time passes.

10. Show your appreciation and respect to your loved.

 When your spouse does something for you, it`s necessary to show that you appreciate it. Everyone wants to be valued. Don’t forget to show your respect to your significant other, especially when you’re  you’re in  company of friends or relatives. Appreciation and respect are one of the most important things for happy relationships.



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