8 Ways To Get Work Done Faster

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  1. Be Innovative. The old system may not be the most efficient. Take the time to see if the answer involves developing something new.
  2. Be strategic. Understanding the vision and strategy are not just key components to doing things fast, but doing them right.
  3. Be courageous. Leaders who are fast don’t waste time worrying or mulling over choices. There make decisions quickly and stand by them.
  4. Be focused on stretch goals. Stretch goals push people to accomplish more than they thought they could.
  5. Be a powerful communicator. People can move faster when they are absolutely clear about their instructions.
  6. Be externally focused. This perspective increases speed because leaders become aware of competition, recognize other organizations are creating competitive advantage, and see how their products and services compare.
  7. Be diligent. Leaders who are fast take initiative and get the job done.
  8. Be smart. Having deep expertise make everything move faster! If you know how to do the job it is much easier to get it done.



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