Seven Ways Effective Leaders Manage Their Emotions

1. Are acutely self-aware
Effective leaders understand their emotional state, what triggers them and what they need to do to make sure that their emotions don’t get the best of them. They understand the importance of keeping their cool in all situations and not to react from their emotions, rather wait until the think things through and respond from a place of reason.
2. Are able to share appropriately
It is not necessary, or healthy for leaders to be unemotional robots and keep all of their emotions tightly locked up inside. Effective leaders are able to use their emotions to connect with others through their ability to share emotions which enhance relationships with those that report to them. Whether an employee is feeling joy over a successful sales week or sadness over a family member passing, an effective leader is able to express emotions to let that person know that they are connecting with them on a heart level.  Their awareness lets them know what they need to support others emotionally.  While their emotions are under control they know what to express and how much to let out in the circumstance.
3. Manage their own moods and feelings
Successful leaders have ups and downs just like everyone else.  Events occur that are difficult to deal with can put us all in a bad mood and feel like we need a break from the world.  Good managers are able to put these feelings aside for the moment and focus on what needs to be done. They pick the time and place to express difficult thoughts and feelings through their awareness that others are still counting on them to be focused and supportive in the workplace.
4. Do what is right instead of what is popular
There are many instances when leaders are tempted to make popular decisions as these will bring them instant feelings of relief from a pressing and difficult situation. However, effective managers overcome the urge to give in to what is popular and opt for what is right. This requires a great deal of self-confidence and courage.
5. Trust their intuition, gut instinct or sixth sense
When they are struggling with a decision, effective managers are able to tune into and use their gut instincts or sense of intuition to make decisions. They trust this sense and will not do something contrary to their intuition even though there may be compelling reasons for doing so. Having relied upon their sixth sense in the past they trust that it will be the best guide for making a decision in which there is not one obvious answer.
6. Can overcome appeal of apathy, inertia and procrastination.
Have you ever had a day when you felt like doing very little, leaving things undone until later, or the next day? Perhaps we are feeling tired, or having a bad day or week.  We have all had those days. Leaders have the same struggles but do not have the luxury of giving in to them as many others are dependent upon them to take action and get things done whether they feel like it or not. They have disciplined themselves to do whatever it takes regardless of how they find themselves feeling.
7. Look for solutions instead of looking to blame and dodge responsibility
One of the easiest traps to fall into for us all is to avoid blame and responsibility when things go south. Poor leaders look for ways to shift the blame to others when things go wrong and avoid responsibility by blaming it on others or circumstances. Effective, strong leaders immediately begin to look for solutions and take the lead in finding out what went wrong to avoid the same problem in the future. They are more interested in using the failure as a learning opportunity and moving on from it rather than spending time and energy looking for scapegoats.


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