10 Tips To Increase Your Productivity In A Busy Office

1. Block the noise out
Noise is one of the biggest distracters in the workplace, and whilst you can’t make your colleagues take their conversations elsewhere, you can manage what you hear. A pair of noise-cancelling headphones with quiet, calm classical music will not only stop you becoming sidetracked, but help you concentrate.
2. Turn off desktop email alerts
It almost always feels that you should be reading every email as it comes through, even if it’s not urgent, though doing this will waste a lot of time. Even after reading and answering, it will take you at least 5 minutes to get back on track. Turn off the pop-up alerts, and allot 5 minutes every, say, half an hour to go through your inbox.
3. Make sure your IM is set to “Busy”
If you are busy, let others know, and they will be far less likely to interrupt you with non-essential messages.
4. Turn your phone to silent
Text, email and social media alerts on phones are one way surefire way to scupper your train of thought. Keep your phone in your bag or pocket, on silent (not vibrate) and check it every hour or so.
5. Take a break
Sitting for hours in front of a computer can actually harm productivity. When you feel your attention slipping, get up and take a 5 minute break to refresh yourself, even if you just walk to the water cooler or bathroom.
6. Do the hardest work first
Generally, our concentration levels drop the longer we work, and people tend to be most productive in the morning. Doing your most difficult or boring task before lunch will most likely mean you spend less time on it, and get distracted less also.
7. Plan your day to the minute
Disorganisation is productivity’s biggest enemy. If you spend ten minutes every few hours working out what you should be doing next, you will lose well over half an hour a day. Plan your day down to the minute, and you won’t miss deadlines, forget about tasks, or simply get sidetracked.
8. Don’t multitask
Although we all multitask, research has shown that it’s not at all productive, and by multitasking you actually take longer to do each individual task. Do one task at a time, and if you’re in the middle of something, let people know.
9. Eat long-burn foods
Eating junk food or processed food can cause energy spikes and drops, which lead to tiredness and a drop in productivity. Eat long-burn foods, such as porridge for breakfast, ensures you stay energised.
10. Cut out the caffeine
Office workers typically drink multiple cups of tea or coffee, but similarly to junk foods, this can decrease productivity. The “buzz” caffeine gives you can actually make you more prone to distraction, and the energy drops between cups will make you feel tired and lethargic.



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