Three Things You and Your Organization Can Do to Get What You Want


1. Stop Trying to Make Things Happen

Working hard is a virtue. But we believe that we “must make” something happen or we “have to get” something or make goal X happen, which is thinking from a cause-effect world and one in which everyone and everything is separate. On a scale from 1 to 10 from a mentality of lack to abundance, it is somewhere near the bottom. Taking action from such place often ends up spinning wheels. On some level we believe that results and success are directly proportional to the amount of effort and energy we expend, which just isn’t true.

 2. Look for Where the Energy Lies

Look for where the energy lies in your world and work with that. Simple but not easy because doing so means doing things counter-intuitively — counter to how we’ve been conditioned. Maybe the problem isn’t where you think it is. Maybe it is, but the solution isn’t to tackle the problem and rather to work with the things, people, resources, etc. that are influencing the issue or problem.

3. Get Clear on What You Really Want & Allow It to Happen Through You Now

When first measuring performance and actual social/economic/political impacts in organizations, I got curious about what individuals were doing to move their causes further — and why some couldn’t. What I discovered is that the blocks to having or achieving what you want are not simply out there. They’re not ONLY out there. Similarly, the energy you’re looking for isn’t only in some location outside of you to work with, and then ta da once you find them you’re on your way. It’s right here at home with you.


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