21 Dumb Things Every Smart Leader Needs to Stop Doing Right Now

 Image result for IMAGE OF A WORKER
1. Stop organizational politics
An environment in which competition for power, influence, resources, and promotions are based on subjective and hidden criteria is very demotivating for employees.
2. Stop setting unclear expectations
Unclear, confusing, and contradictory goals, objectives, and standards cause employees to check out.
3. Stop unnecessary rules
Rules are necessary, but too many of them are demotivating.
4. Stop poorly designed work
Poorly engineered work gets in the way of satisfying internal and external customers and frustrates employees.
5. Stop unproductive meetings
Employees often leave meetings looking exhausted, battered, and bored for good reason.
6. Stop the lack of follow-up
Most employees could write a book about the the latest-and-greatest programs that died on the vine.
7. Stop the constant change
Change is necessary, but in some organizations it seems as if change is arbitrary and capricious.
8. Stop the internal competition
The healthiest organizations compete against their competition, not against themselves.
9. Stop being dishonest
Employees hate being lied to.
10. Stop the hypocrisy
How can you trust leaders who say one thing and do another?
11. Stop withholding information
Lying by omission is still lying.
12. Stop being unfair
Some organizations are full of policies and practices that are perceived as inequitable.
13. Stop discouraging employee ideas and suggestions
Negative and instantaneous responses to employees' ideas and suggestions, such as "It won't work," "You can't do that here," "That's not feasible" will turn off your employees every time.
14. Stop criticizing
Some work environments make employees feel like they are "guilty until proven innocent." Does yours?
15. Stop underutilizing your people
Many employees feel that the capabilities they were hired for aren't being used.
16. Stop tolerating poor performance
When you overlook a poor performer, you can cause everyone to look (and feel) bad.
17. Stop taking employees for granted
Many employees quietly do a good job, and are systematically ignored.
18. Stop being invisible
It is amazing how many employees wouldn't even recognize the division vice president, much less the CEO.
19. Stop over-controlling
Most employees are willing to be empowered, but few managers are willing to give them the authority to be empowered.
20. Stop benefits takeaways
Reversing a benefit or policy--and putting your employees at a financial or other disadvantage--is a sure way to kill morale and loyalty.
21. Stop forcing employees to do poor quality work
Work rules that don't allow quality-conscious employees to take pride in the work they do destroy engagement.



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