5 Easy Ways to Reduce Costs and Boost Employee Retention

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Costs and Boost Employee Retention

1. Set out healthy snacks.

What benefits would you guess workers want most? Health insurance? 401(k) matching? Paid vacation time? According to a Zero Cater survey, 60 percent of employees consider office snacks and meals one of their top three perks. All told, 88 percent of respondents said access to snacks was important to them.
Doesn’t snacking lead to higher healthcare costs via obesity and similar conditions? Not if you choose the right snacks. Companies like Nature Box have been in keying in to a growing market for healthier snacks by offering unlimited snacks for a flat fee of $20 per employee per month.

2. Make room for gurus.

Another perk more than eight in ten workers want? A path for career advancement. But while the Society for Human Resource Management found 83 percent of surveyed employees wanted advancement opportunities, just 20 percent felt their employer was responsive their ambitions.

3. Pay for volunteerism.

Especially for the Millennial on your team, it’s important to do work with social value. Cone Communications found that three quarters of the workforce’s newest generation would take a pay cut to work for a socially responsible company.

4. Schedule on-site massages.

Work can, quite literally, be a pain for many employees. The American Chiropractic Association reports that back pain is the single greatest cause of disability, and fully half of working Americans report back pain symptoms. All told, the condition accounts for more than 264 million lost work days per year, or about two days per full-time American worker.

5. Remember to say “thank you.”

Sometimes, what makes a job worth it isn’t the salary or benefits package; it’s hearing “thank you” from a customer or co-worker in a pinch. Believe it or not, 70 percent of employees told Reward Gateway that morale and motivation would improve “massively” if their managers said “thank you” more.



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