Real Benefits of Knowing Your Organization's 'Why'


1) Better Understand Your Audience and Your Potential Audience

Your audience may have a lot of demographic differences. They may come from different parts of the world. Some might be Boomers and others Millennials. What unites them is their shared belief in your why. Articulating your why clearly will allow you to analyze how and why your audience identifies with your mission. And it will make clear whom you should reach out to because they share your beliefs. All your connections are based on a shared why.

2) Better Team

Not only is your audience made up for people who share your why, your best employees are committed to your vision. “The goal is not just to hire people who need a job, but to hire people who believe what you believe,” writes Olivia Perez for New Breed Marketing. “If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. If you hire people who believe in what you believe, they will work along side you and help grow your business.”
As a purpose-driven organization, this is something you’ve probably noticed among your team. People who are motivated by a bigger purpose are the ones who support real growth. This is a residual effect of articulating your why.

3) Better Content

Your why is at the core of all of your messaging. It is both the most important thing to communicate to your audience and also the belief that informs every single story or image you share. A well-defined why will make your content richer, higher quality, and more effective. It will result in a more coherent digital strategy. Think of your why as the foundation on which all your communications are built. A solid why supports the growth of all other parts of your digital strategy.


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