
Showing posts from April, 2018

You Are Doing These 10 Things Because You Are An Alpha, And You Aren’t Even Aware Of It

Many people do not like admitting that they are alphas because others think they are bossy and aggressive. But, you should not be ashamed of that, it is not true. In fact, congrats! In this article, we offer you ten things you do because of your personality. 1. Not Wasting Time Since you are an alpha, you do not like wasting time, effort, or words. You always get to the point, and people around you love you or hate, but you do not even care. You tend to leave people knowing where they stand with you. 2. Believing in Actions Believe in words it is not your thing. When someone promises you help, you expect them to keep their promise. Since you are a person that shows up when you say you will, you expect the same from the rest of the people. 3. Comfortable Alone You are a person that is not afraid of being alone and missing out things. Doing your own thing is completely okay with you. Spending time on social media during the day and checking out what others are doi

8 Signs of a Successful Life That Have Nothing to do With Money Or Fame

you’re not careful you can end up chasing the wrong goals for the wrong reasons. Oftentimes people’s goals are associated with making money or achieving a high level of status. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting either of the above, you can be led astray by chasing after them. If money and fame weren’t part of the equation, how would you define success. The Biggest Misconception People Have About Success When you see someone who is wildly successful you look at their success in terms of the rewards it’s granted them. It might even lead you to believe they’re greedy or selfish. But oftentimes their wealth and status came from working on something that meant a great deal to them. Take Bill Gates for example. Many people dislike him because he’s filthy rich, but do you think his primary aim in creating Microsoft was getting rich? No. He loved computers and loved building things. Steve Jobs is another useful example. Jobs became incredibly wealthy and

6 Early Signs You’re Stuck in a Stagnant Career

Stagnant career signs are everywhere. Are you working so hard with a lot of work experience but with very little to show for your hard work? Are your colleagues having better career advancement opportunities compared to you? Do you find yourself with no defined path for promotion? Is your job getting threatened by automation in the nearest possible future? Do you feel too comfortable or are you getting frustrated by the environment, your job and more? If any of the above ticks off your list or comes close, you’re likely on the path to a stagnant career and or already facing a stagnated career. Whether you find yourself heading in this direction or not, the following are stagnant career signs you should be wary of and watch out for. Lost Touch With Family and Friends   Many personal relationships are hurt by career demands and the frustration can lead to a stagnant career as it will affect your focus. Have you found yourself in a situation where important anniversari

7 Most Important Mindsets That Will Set You Up For Long-Term Success

Your life is your creation. You have most things you need to shape it and make it incredible. It’s not something that happens to you — unless you abandon your position as its chief architect. If you think your life is out of your control, it’s because you’ve chosen to relinquish the controls. Your life will improve the moment you realize life isn’t something to be endured or tolerated. It’s an experience of your own creation. If your life sucks, it’s because you’ve been a sucky creator. But you can get better. Getting unstuck is about making simple decisions and taking actions, always moving away from what you don’t want and towards what you want. If you don’t know what you want, then just move away from what you don’t want until you figure it out. You are immensely resilient. Even when you’re in seemingly hopeless situations, we can still dig yourself out and make something better of it. These mindsets can radically improve your success and make you a


We all want to be successful but not everyone achieves success. Some people never succeed due to certain reasons which I would love to talk about. Below are 9 reasons why some people never succeed 1. THEY DON’T VALUE TIME   Anyone who doesn’t value time won’t succeed, it’s that simple. Successful people manage their time well and that’s the reason why they are successful. 2. THEY LIMIT THEMSELVES   Some people limit themselves and it’s so wrong because you can’t be successful if you limit yourself. When you make statements like “I don’t think I have what it takes to own a successful business”, you limit yourself and end up not having one. 3. THEY ALWAYS PROCRASTINATE No one can be successful if they are good at procrastinating. Successful don’t push till tomorrow what they have to do today. 4. THEY LOVE MAKING EXCUSES   Making excuses all the time is one of the reasons why some people never succeed. You can’t succeed if you always find reasons and lo

8 Habits to Become a Successful Young Entrepreneur

Are your walls adorned with the images of Richard Branson, Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg? Do you find yourself constantly dreaming about running a small business? Do you love discussing ideas and coming up with something new? Then it wouldn’t be wrong to say that you want to be an entrepreneur and start your own business some day. To fulfill that dream at a young age, it is important to develop entrepreneur skills early. Here are 8 tips for young entrepreneurs that will help in developing important entrepreneurial skills that will help you navigate through the business world. Be Open to New Experiences   Nobody achieves anything great by sticking in their comfort zone. As an aspiring entrepreneur, it is important to stretch beyond your comfort zone and keep your mind open to new ideas. Make a habit of seeking new experiences as it will expose you to things, people and ideas that will help you grow as a person. Dare to Take Risks   One common trait among successf


The kitchen is one of the most used rooms in most houses, so it makes sense to ensure that everything runs as smoothly as possible every day. Adding these habits into your life (most of them are able to be used daily) will transform how your kitchen works for you. They will enable you to save time and energy each and every day, what could be better than that! So – without further ado – let’s get started! – these are my top habits to try and incorporate into your life when you are in the kitchen (and I’d love to know how many you already do, so please let me know in the comments below – thanks in advance!). 1 – WIPE SURFACES DAILY Quick and easy to do – but really makes a difference to how you feel when you walk into the room. This also has another massive bonus – and that is that it makes you much more likely to tidy the surfaces regularly as well. After all – do you really want to have to move lots of bits and pieces to wipe things down every day? TIP – Only h

Causes and Effects of Drug Abuse in Nigeria

“Drugs cause changes” The term “drug” is ambiguous, it means one and another thing simultaneously. This means that the meaning of drug would differ depending on the context it is being used. In pharmacology, it is a chemical substance administered to a patient for the purpose of; A. Treating an ailment or disease B. Relieving perturb (disturbing or bothering) symptoms in the body. In line with this definition, drug is considered to be “medicine”. However, the ambiguity of drug lies in the fact not all chemical substances can function as medicine in the body. To attain furtherance on this article it would be necessary for us to have a better understanding of drug as a word used in describing chemical substances. Medicine as drugs to the human body is legal and socially acceptable but there are other legal/illegal, acceptable/unacceptable chemical substances which are not medicines but drugs. In light of this, drug is a mother word encompassing all forms of consuma

The 7 worst body language mistakes job seekers make

From the moment you arrive for a job interview until the moment you leave, you need to be keenly aware of your gestures and nonverbal cues. Your dream employer is hiring, so you do your homework, submit your resume, land yourself an interview, and kill it in the hot seat. You’re pretty confident it’s in the bag. But on your way out, you shake the interviewer’s hand, thank him for his time, and completely blow your chances. How? The handshake was weak and you failed to make eye contact. That’s right: These simple mistakes can cost you the job, according to body language expert Tonya Reiman. “When someone first meets you, an evaluation is quietly and unconsciously taking place,” she explains. “There is an incredible amount of processing going on as millions of neurons in the brain are activated and working to determine if they believe you to be credible, trustworthy, and likable. That impression is based primarily on your nonverbal communication.” So, from the mome


What are Kidney Beans? Kidney beans are a very popular legume because of its great taste, texture and flavor. They are dark red in color and are kidney-shaped, of course from the name you should know it would be kidney-shaped, right? Kidney beans are full of potassium, magnesium, iron and protein. Hence, this is a good meat substitute for vegetarians. Kidney beans also have several disease-fighting antioxidants that promote a healthy and strong immunity. Having said all these, isn’t it glaring that the health benefits of kidney beans would be amazing?  Other names given to kidney beans are ‘Rajma‘in Hindi, ‘Nallachikkudu‘ in Telugu, ‘Sigappu Karamani‘ in Tamil, ‘Capparadavare‘ in Kannada, ‘Barbati Beej‘ in Bengali, ‘Phanasi‘ in Gujarati and ‘Rajma‘ in Punjabi. Please don’t ask me for the name given to it in Nigeria oh! Or take this, it’s popularly called Nigerian Kidney Beans. Owing to its various health benefits, kidney beans are one of the best legumes for everyb

7 Ways to Help Your Child Choose a Career

Here are some tips to help your child choose a career. 1. Resist treating your child as an extension of you Your child is a unique individual. They are not you. The things that might drive you absolutely crazy about a certain job might be the things they absolutely love doing. Resist the urge to tell your child to avoid a certain path just because it’s something that doesn’t interest you . Your child might not be interested in attending your alma mater or doing the work you do. 2. Help your child discover their strengths and passions Encourage your child to visit with a career counselor to take aptitude tests. The Myers-Briggs test, Strong Inventory, and Holland Code were three of the tests I found beneficial when redesigning my career path. While I don’t recommend basing huge decisions off of one test, I do believe it’s very beneficial to take a variety of assessments and look for patterns among the results. If your child is interested in a career that doesn’t ap

What Is A Paranoia Test & Why Is It Needed?

Source: When we have dealt with trauma or dysfunctional relationships, it can damage how we view the world. In some cases, it can make the world and individuals are out to get us. This point of view is often one characteristic of paranoia. According to the Mental Health America website, paranoia involves intense anxious or fearful feelings and thoughts often related to persecution, threat, or conspiracy. Paranoia can occur with mental disorders but is most often found in psychotic disorders. At times, paranoia can become delusions, which can be so fixed that they cannot be dislodged, even in the face of contrary evidence. Paranoia is often a symptom of paranoid personality disorder (PPD), part of a group of conditions called "Cluster A" personality disorders. These disorders often appear in early adulthood and are more common in men. If you notice that you are paranoid or seem to suffer from an unrelenting mistrust, then you may be concerned that y