
Showing posts from June, 2021


Arguments about money  hamper many marriages. When you consider that about a third of adults with partners report that money is a big source of conflict in their relationships, it's no wonder that financial problems are a leading cause of divorce. To help pave the road to better marital finances and relationships, here's an accounting of the most common financial issues that challenge married couples. If you’re committed to a relationship, you and your partner owe each other a calm, honest conversation about each other’s finances, habits, goals, and anxieties. Money problems involve discussions in which ego, anxieties about control, and notions of marital roles will have to be checked. When working together, couples can achieve more than singles can If debt is an issue, couples can employ various tools and strategies to start paying off debt and get on better financial footing. Having kids changes everything; Ideally, couples should communicate their expectations and ideas abou


  If you want to improve your life, where should you start? Years ago, when I started working on myself, I tried lots of different things. Some helped a lot. But a lot didn’t matter. Filtering by trial-and-error works, but it can be slow and discouraging. Knowing what I know now, I’d recommend different practices to my younger self. if seriously committed, could make enormous improvements in their life in less than a year. But only if they build from the right foundation. If you’re interested in building a better life, but not sure where to start, here are some recommendations: 1.Establish an Airtight Productivity System : Productivity comes first. The mistake is in thinking that a productivity system is just about getting more work done. When in reality it’s about organizing all of your goals and efforts. There are two problem  people face when it comes to self-improvement A lack of resources:  You don’t feel you have enough time or energy to do all the things you think you should. A

Ways to Stop Making Excuses

We all make excuses once in a while. Sometimes we make excuses and other times we stop rationalizing and take action. I’m sure most of us can remember times when we procrastinate and waste days before starting a project. I’m also sure most of us can remember times we started immediately and finished ahead of schedule. The differences between these two cases could be described as a difference of willpower. When you procrastinate, you lack willpower but that isn’t helpful. If willpower is outside your direct control then claiming willpower as a solution isn’t going to work.   To stop making excuses, these are the ways to follow. They are; Organizing Your Priorities:   E xcuse making is the result of conflicting priorities.When you don’t have a system for making decisions, the tendency is to just go with whatever feels best in the moment. You can clear this up by defining what your priorities are . The purpose is to aid when one event conflicts with another. If you have to decide between

Tips to avoid negative influences in life

  Negative influences and sarcasm are all around us these days. They can take us down and wash our dreams down the drain. Negative influences not only can destroy your self-image but also pull your self-esteem down into a danger zone never to be back again. Focusing on the positive sides can be hard at first since there are so many bad or negative influences around, but by following some simple guidelines you can overcome this and concentrate your mind on the positive things. Here are some tips to help you avoid those negative influences in life.They are as follow; Avoid negative work environment:   This type of environmental ruin your self  esteem   because  no one will appreciate your contribution, even if you miss lunch and dinner to stay at work late at night unless you are very lucky that most of the time working very hard, without any help from others around you.  Not only a healthy competition, at worst is cruel and dangerous. If you find yourself in this kind of environment, ju

Ways to Avoid Depression

Depression can be severe and life-altering, affecting the quality of life and the happiness of those who live with it. It’s also a common condition according to the  a nxiety and depression association of america , it affects around 15 million Americans every year. There are many lifestyle changes and stress management techniques you can use to prevent or avoid depression. There are certain triggers that can cause us to experience depressive episodes. While triggers may be different for everyone, these are some of the best techniques you can use to prevent or avoid depression relapse. They are; 1.Exercise regularly:   Exercising regularly is one of the best thing you can do for your mental health. E xercise can help in the treatment and prevention of depression in several key ways by   increases your body temperature which can have a calming effect on the central  nervous system. I t also  reduces immune system chemicals that may worsen depression. 2.Build strong relationships:   Havi