
Showing posts from September, 2020


Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic and Phlegmatic are the four major types of temperaments. There are instances whereby an individual's personality type might overlap or a person sharing two or more temperaments. "SANGUINE" personality type is described primarily as being highly talkative, enthusiastic, active, and social. Sanguines tend to be more extroverted and enjoy being part of a crowd; they find that being social, outgoing, and charismatic is easy to accomplish. Individuals with this personality have a hard time doing nothing and engage in more risk seeking behavior. "CHOLERIC" individuals tend to be more extroverted. They are described as independent, decisive, goal-oriented, and ambitious. These combined with their dominant, result-oriented outlook make them natural leaders. In Greek, Medieval, and Renaissance thought, they were also violent, vengeful, and short-tempered. "MELANCHOLIC" individuals tend to be analytical and detail-oriented


Perception, it affects the way we view everything around us, but how does it actually work? What makes us see things differently from others? How does perception affect our behavioral processes? Relating perception to our everyday life might be easier than one might think, the way we view the world and everything around us has a direct effect on our thoughts, actions, and behavior. It helps us relate things to one another, and be able to recognize situations, objects, and patterns. Our self-perceptions are often instilled in us before we have a say in them. Learning to change how we see ourselves helps us find our hidden strengths, or improve weaknesses we didn't know we had, to get along better in life. Often, we have self-perception problems because our emotions or misconceptions lead us to false conclusions. Acknowledging your strengths can give you the courage to assert yourself even when you don't feel like you deserve to, but here's how to adjust when your perceptio


Every single one of us is needed in this world. We need you. We need your unique light, your imperfect but authentic way of shining, your story, your struggles, your insecurities, your mountains that you climbed, the ones you're climbing and the ones you think you're not ready to climb, your messiness, your best shot, your rawness, your youness. We don't need you when you're perfect, we need you now. As you are, it is a miracle to be born at this moment in time, to be on this strange, miraculous planet with all the questions that we just can't answer about why we are here, you, as you are, have something to contribute to this planet, so that maybe it (or your household, your neighborhood) can be just a little bit better because you are here. Don't play small. It doesn't serve you, and you can probably feel that. But also, it doesn't serve anybody. Don't deprive this world of your story, of your YOU-NESS. Give us your gifts, give us your light, take


Life. An Exam? Scholars agree life is an exam, little did they know that life is more than an exam. Assimilation skils are only tested in an exam, fast skills are also sometimes tested in other exams. What then is an exam? Some read less and get the highest marks, some read most and get less marks. Some don't read and get okay marks. You can't figure it out. Some don't attend classes but are priviledged to see the best notes, getting more marks than the serious ones. Isn't that unfair? Well, maybe a test of IQ? No! It still doesn't work out. An exam is a test of words or works?? I Wonder. Written by Victor Okusor @officialveehighcee


Style refers to a person’s particular way of expressing themselves whether that’s through clothing, writing style, or a style of architecture. In the fashion world, “style” is usually shorthand for “personal style,” or the way an individual expresses themselves through aesthetic choices such as their clothing, accessories, hairstyle, and the way they put an outfit together. Fashion is the dominant style within a given culture at a certain time. Fashion has to do with new trends: It refers to popular ways of dressing during a specific era. The fashion industry deals with the prevailing styles of the present. Fashion houses host fashion shows to highlight clothing that expresses a vision for the future of fashion. Fashion bloggers, editors, and influencers then respond to that vision with their own ideas, and retailers use all that information to sell clothes to the public. A major part of fashion is the way the latest trends are disseminated, whether via social media or in fashion mag


Let's start by asking this question. "If you enter someone's inbox, what are the first 3 things to do? The due process is to; 1. Greet 2. Introduce Yourself 3. Explain where you got their contact from. "NETIQUETTE" is short for "Internet etiquette". Just like etiquette is a code of polite behaviour in society, Netiquette is a code of good behaviour on the internet. Importance of Netiquette "Netiquette" is important as online communication is 'non-verbal'. You have to follow internet etiquette because there are other people such as your friends, relatives, elders who are using the internet for all online commuications. Hence, it is correct to behave properly and write politely to everyone. What are the effects of Netiquette? Having good netiquette did not significantly affect cyber-bullying, having good netiquette diminished the augmenting effects of ICT skills on cyber-bullying. We have so many people that are scared to expr


BEGINNERS Seeing a pattern doesn't mean you know how to put it all together. Take baby steps: Don't focus on the folks whose skills are far beyond your own. When you are new to something or you haven't tried it out in a while, it can feel impossibly hard to get it right. Every misstep feels like a reason to quit. You envy everyone else who seems to know what they are doing. What keeps you going? The belief that one day you will also be like that: Elegant. Capable. Confident. Experienced. And you can be. All you need now is enthusiasm. A little bravery. And-always-a sense of humor. Be free-spirited. Live a fun-filled life. Approach activities, and challenges with a smile and see yourself winning and getting things done amazingly. Do not fret. Put away fear. Be positive. You are a beginner today, you will surely be a professional and expert tomorrow. cc: Kate Jacobs (Knit Two) Akinleye Grace Oluwabusola


HAVING A HEALTHY FOOD LIFESTYLE Ever wonder how to really balance up food and good health? It really is possible and achievable. It might even not cost you so much to be healthy. Endeavor to make half of your meal fruit and vegetable-based. Accepting fruits and veggies as a major part of your meal will help in boosting your body system generally and give you good health. Embrace whole grains and not refined grains. Take in healthy grain products and if possible get the natural unprocessed ones. they are very rich. Do away with full-fat cream or milk, instead use low-fat or fat-free milk. You do not need too much fat in your body. Increase to an extent your intake of protein food. This is not limited to meat, fish, and the likes; it extends down to beans, peas, and others. For meats, try as much as possible to take lean meat. Drink water. Water is good for the body. It is the best drink for all. Put aside all of those sugary drinks and take water. What do you think of


We try to stifle our childlike traits as we age. Thinking that they will make us seem immature. When really some of those childlike traits are quite important to keep as adults. I remember sitting on the stairs with my brother making plans for when we were adults. We were going to get a sweet apartment where we could watch cartoons and eat sugary cereal on Saturdays. I was going to own my own clothing line and make thousands of dollars (Because a thousand dollars was a lot of money to my kid self). We thought everything was going to be simple and couldn’t wait to leave our childhood ways behind us. It seems, we grow up trying so hard to squash anything resembling childlike behavior in an effort to be labeled as an adult faster. We can’t stand to be thought of as immature. However, there are some very important childlike traits we should cling to: 1. Being Curious If you’ve ever hung out with a three year old, you know their favorite question is why (Either that or it’s the only word


Publicity is creating public awareness of yourself, your business, or your brand, products, or services through media coverage and other forms of communication. It's often part of a marketing campaign. Publicists help to manage publicity for individuals and businesses with a goal of increasing positive publicity and minimizing or responding to negative coverage. Types of Publicity Your business can pursue several types of publicity, including: 1. Social media: Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter allow you to connect with your potential customers. A strong social media presence keeps your brand in your followers' minds. Rather than trying to make a single post that goes viral, focus on building an interested audience slowly and steadily by offering posts that educate, entertain, or both. 2. Product placement: Send free products or offer free services to public figures, bloggers, or other media personalities. Your products may end up being featured in


Etiquettes Still Exist! 5 Must-Haves For Every Human The world is evolving and so are rules, behavioural patterns, beliefs and acceptable norms. People define what they see as suitable or not, on a daily basis, using various factors as the yardstick. It however remains constant that polite behaviours, respect and good manners still exist and are necessary! In times when the eyes were not widely opened to civilisation and Western education, our forefathers had specific forms of behaviour that are acceptable by their societies And now that we are in a global world and the average human is civilised, etiquettes are still much needed. It is however saddening that the current generation is taking almost everything in life for granted, ‘Etiquettes’ being one of them. We learn on paper and in theory, but we do not make use of them. Maybe they do not make sense to us or we do not see them as necessary. Day in day out varieties of slangs and cliches good seem to override and threaten the


The effects of the ongoing and raging pandemic vary and have given different people different views and different sides. The pandemic of truth struck everyone irrespective of your status, level of education, wealth, location; it dealt with everyone. The high-class people felt its impact in a great way, so did the middle class and low-class people. Individually speaking, what has the pandemic been like for you? Was it a blessing for you? Did you make progress during the pandemic? Were you able to develop yourself during the pandemic? How much of positive reasoning did you make during the pandemic? Did you enjoy the pandemic? How do you foresee life after the pandemic, post-COVID19? Was it a curse for you? Are you still at the same level you were before the pandemic? Can your life and being be said to be stagnant? You have a lot to think of and ponder on. It is not too late to make amendments and make up for all that you have lost during then pandemic. If it was a blessing, d


Forgetting the fact that it is a magazine, the statement behind the magazine "Be At The Top" drives a lot of people and means a lot. Being at the top is essentially necessary in all you do. The top is not meant for some particular sets of people, it is for all. Reaching the top is not difficult neither is it impossible, all that is needed is for you to reach out and be determined to get to the top. Be at the top academically. Be at the top financially. Be at the top socially. Be at the top materially. Be at the top professionally. Be at the top spiritually. Be at the top morally. Be at the top!!!!


We have all heard it many times before, regular exercise is good for you, and it can help you lose weight. But if you are busy, you have a sedentary job, and you haven't yet changed your exercise habits. The good news is that it's never too late to start. You can start slowly, and find ways to fit more physical activity into your life. To get the most benefit, you should try to get the recommended amount of exercise for your age. If you can do it, the payoff is that you will feel better, help prevent or control many diseases, and likely even live longer. What are the health benefits of exercise? Regular exercise and physical activity may: - Help you control your weight: Along with diet, exercise plays an important role in controlling your weight and preventing obesity. To maintain your weight, the calories you eat and drink must equal the energy you burn. To lose weight, you must use more calories than you eat and drink. - Reduce your risk of heart diseases: Exercise strengt


You really do not need to be loud to be noticed. Learn not to shout and make noise about yourself, let your acts and character do that not your voice. Loud or not, you will be celebrated for one reason or the other. Loud or not, you will be known by people around you and people away from you. Loud or not, you will reap whatever you sow. Loud or not, you will eat. Loud or not, you will have clothes to wear. Loud or not, there is no one like you across the universe. Loud or not, you must submit to certain rules. Loud or not, you are not the most superior person. Loud or not, you are not the least person alive neither are you the least person that has ever lived. Loud or not, you are still a human being. Maintain a nice pace and personality. By Akinleye Grace Oluwabusola


According to Oxford English Dictionaries, a character flaw is 'a fault or weakness in a person's character'. A character flaw can be defined more fully as an undesirable quality in a person. It is an imperfection, limitation, deficiency, phobia, or a problem that affects the way others perceive us. Everyone has their own flaws and you just have to accept them. Five Tips to accept your Flaws 1. See your perceived flaws in a whole new light. Nothing is ever completely good or completely bad. In fact, everything is in perfect, harmonious balance. Find the benefit of that one thing you have trouble accepting, and change your perception to see that it’s not so bad having it after all. 2. Practice gratitude daily. We all have so much to be grateful for. Gratitude helps to cultivate a positive mindset, which will help you to accept yourself for who you really are. Create a daily gratitude journal and list three things for which you are grateful. Do this in the morning to start y


January, February down to August, you've not been able to achieve something tangible. Life's turbulence has successfully prevented you from accomplishing your set goals for the year 2020 and it feels like you're left with no strength to push harder. Yes, it's eight months gone, a whole lot of time seems wasted. But it's not the whole year.... There's a remnant of 4 months; September, October, November and December. It's not too late for you to have a fruitful year! You can still pick up the pieces and make the rest of your 2020 productive. "All things are possible to him who believes". This is one of my favorite scriptures. Believe that GOD is able to help you redeem time, believe that you can end this year much better than how you began it! Again I say; "All things are possible to him who believes!" Also, take time to restrategise, Pick that Goal up from where you dropped it and be determined never to stop until the work is done!


As much as a chicken and an eagle can be very similar, their differences are not too hidden. They are both aves- lay eggs,have feathers, have beak and so on; but do not forget that though they have the flight power, their height and distance of flight are very different. Bringing it down to the human relationship, some people are chickens while some are eagles. On a starting note, chickens are weak and fragile while eagles are strong and rigid. Chickens can see but they are unable to focus and foresee; Eagles can see as well but they have good and sharp focus and are well able to foresee things to happening in times to come due to right positioning, reasoning and power. Chickens are usually affected and disturbed by things happening around them; Eagles are not in any way troubled by things happening around them,they are calm and able to wait patiently with good anticipation that the best is on its way. Chickens are quick to give up at any slight disappointment and delay, they


Compliment is simply said to be an expression of praise, commendation, or admiration. Compliment is a polite remark that you say to show that you like their appearance, appreciate their quality or approve of what they have done. A sincere compliment boosts one's morale and self confidence. You can start off by complimenting your parents on their cooking, a friend on her new hair or dress, or a co worker on his or her outfit. But then, passing compliments shouldn't be limited to just people you know but should be extended also to strangers you meet, you never know they might be having a bad day and that singular show of kindness can change the narrative. A simple 'you are beautiful, you are enough, your hair looks stunning, you are so smart, you are talented' can go a very long way in making someone feel special, boost their self esteem and build their self love. Be kind with your choice of words, pass compliments more!!! omo_iya_oyin