
Showing posts from September, 2019

Are You Willing to Do Whatever It Takes?

  1. How determined are you? Asking “are you willing to do whatever it takes?” creates a movement inside you and has you consider the actions you really need to take. If the answer is anything but yes, then the goal isn’t right. You need to go back and choose something you   are   willing to do anything to achieve. For many people, the answer is an immediate and resounding   yes —the goal is so big, so lofty   and so inspiring, they would do whatever it takes to get there. 2. Think outside the box. If you are willing to do whatever it takes to   get to your goal, the follow-up question is: “What do you need to get there?” This is where people start to struggle. In many cases, the actions people take are the correct ones—consistent actions that propel you toward your goal. But if that was enough, why aren’t you closer to your goal by now? Consider what else you could do to get there. Who could you contact that has succeeded in the past? What groups, classes or events could you

5 Deliberate Steps to Master a Skill

  1.   Identify your goals   and write them down. Research shows writing down your goals will help you complete 33 percent more of them. 2. Identify your weakest link and what is keeping you from achieving your goals. 3. Purposely and deliberately work on improving this skill. 4. Seek feedback from others. 5. Push yourself to show up and do it again and again.

What Do You Get from Giving? (3 Things, Actually)

  1. A sense of joy and purpose While volunteering this year at a United Way Toys for Tots drive, I got to meet the families who were in need. I got to listen to their stories, hear about their kids, and then send them home with a car full of toys and food. I was not the major donor of the event, nor was I an event coordinator—I merely showed up for my scheduled shift and was immediately blown away by the impact that the event had on me. I understood why the same volunteers had been showing up year after year to help over 3,000 families. I admired the students who volunteered next to me, as they quickly understood how they were giving back to their own communities. The only regret I had about sharing my day with these families was that I hadn’t found the organization earlier in my life. The incredible   sense of joy and purpose   that comes from giving never ceases to amaze me. Find a cause that brings you joy, and then invite your friends. They are looking for the same thing y

4 Ways Helping Others Helps Yourself

Challenge #1: Volunteer at a charity event. Volunteering is important for the organization and for the community benefiting from the event. Homeless shelters, pet adoption agencies and various other charity groups depend on people to donate their time to help them stay in operation. You will also benefit from engaging in volunteer work. Not only will it give you an improved perspective on life, but also it helps you develop more skills that can help your career. In a   2014 study   conducted by Millennial Branding and, 83 percent of the 2,978 respondents said companies are looking for communication skills. They are valued as the second most important attribute, second only to a positive attitude (84 percent). What better way to   develop a positive attitude   and build your communication skills than by helping others through volunteering? You’ll learn other crucial skills, such as critical thinking and social skills, and improve your time management while spread

3 Things Successful People Do on the Daily

1.   Meditation More than 80 percent of the people Tim interviewed have a meditation ritual. And among those who don’t, most have a practice similar to meditation, such as listening to the same song or artist on repeat. According to Tim,   meditation sets you up for success, because “by practicing focus when it doesn’t matter, you can better focus when it does matter.” Based on his interviews, he found that men tend to like Transcendental meditation, whereas women prefer Vipassana meditation. When I read these facts in the book, I wasn’t surprised. I already knew the Marines use it to become more resilient in war zones and sports teams, such the Super Bowl-winning Seattle Seahawks, credit meditation with improved performance. Meditation is one of the best ways to “control your brain,” and science backs this up. It’s like daily exercise for your brain. Meditation is a way to   stop that voice in your head. It’s how you silence the voice that tells you to give up and that you’

Want to Be Successful? Do These 7 Things in Your Spare Time

  1. Exercise Working out is good for both the body and the mind. According to various studies, people who exercise 30 minutes a day, five times a week, enjoy better overall   brain health, including uplift in mood, reduced stress, increased creativity and clearer thinking. Exercise is the best thing you can do to stay alert and alive while you run your business. 2. Hobbies Have you ever noticed that some of the most successful people you know also lead rather interesting lifestyles outside of work? That comes largely from the personal pastimes they choose to enjoy. Hobbies are a good outlet for stress and an excellent source of creativity. 3. Learning Success often means fostering   a love of learning. If you want to inspire a love of learning inside yourself, learn something new. Some people like to learn languages; others like to keep up with the latest technological investments. Most learn something that will be useful to them in their careers, such as IT basics. A stro

5 Qualities of People Who Use Time Wisely

  How do we maximize the precious minutes given to us each day? Learn and emulate the five characteristics of people who use time wisely: 1. They are purposeful. People who use time wisely spend it on activities that   advance their overall purpose in life. By consistently channeling time and energy toward an overarching purpose, people can most fully realize their potential. We cannot reach peak performance without a peak purpose. Purpose enlivens all that we do. In fact, I believe the two greatest days in a person’s life are the day they are born and the day they discover why. Uncovering purpose helps to refine passion, focus efforts and sharpen commitments. The cumulative result is to amplify achievements. 2. They are committed to values. People who use time correctly underscore their values with the time they spend. By acting in accordance with their beliefs, they find fulfillment. Failure to identify values leads to a rudderless existence in which people drift through

5 Steps to Create Your Dream Career, the Jon Acuff Way

  1. Take your time. It’s actually rare to experience “aha” moments or big breaks in life. Rather, you have to continually work on things and   through   things. “We want to reflect on a change while we’re still in it,” Acuff says. “Most people don’t give themselves long enough [to recover].” When it comes to boosting creativity, you need to give yourself time to develop good ideas. Acuff says he sees people make the mistake of rushing ideas to market before they are ready. 2. Share   your   experiences. Acuff rejects the growing trends in the “expert marketing” industry. He explains that he can’t—and shouldn’t—teach people how to grow a speaking career, for example, because his experiences are not replicable. Step one, he jokes, would be to find a boss with 7 million radio listeners.   Authenticity is vital, he says. “Go get more expertise in that, be honest about what your strengths are that you   can   share and sell. Be honest about what you can’t.” Should everyone

Your 5-Step Resilience Exercise for Accepting Change

1. Breathe it out. When catastrophe strikes (whether it’s life-altering big or even as small as spilling tea all over your desk), before you react, take a moment to connect to your breath. Try a 4-7-8 breath: Breathe in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold for 7, then release through pursed lips for 8 seconds. There are many, many complex and potentially disappointing things in the world, but just for a few seconds, all you have to do is focus on breathing in and out. 2. Arrive in the now. If you want to accept your reality, a useful tool is wholeheartedly  existing  in your current reality. For a large part of the day, I find myself mentally drifting off into foreign lands. When I center myself in the present, it is far easier for me to accept my immediate world. When I center myself in the present, it is far easier for me to accept my immediate world. Fully arrive in the now  by taking a moment to survey your surroundings. Notice the colors, sounds, textures, and s

How to Speak Well… and Listen Better

When it’s your turn to   talk … 1. Get your thinking straight. The most common source of confusing messages is muddled thinking. We have an idea we haven’t thought through. Or we have so much we want to say that we can’t possibly say it. Or we have an opinion that is so strong we can’t keep it in. As a result, we are ill-prepared   when we speak, and we confuse everyone. The first rule of plain talk, then, is to think before you say anything. Organize your thoughts. 2. Say what you mean. Say exactly what you mean. 3. Get to the point. Effective communicators   don’t beat around the bush. If you want something, ask for it. If you want someone to do something, say exactly what you want done. 4. Be concise. Don’t waste words. Confusion grows in direct proportion to the number of words used. Speak plainly and briefly, using the shortest, most familiar words. 5. Be real. Each of us has a personality—a blending of traits, thought patterns and mannerisms—which can aid