10 Reasons Why Working For Yourself Is Awesome

 Image result for reasons why you need to work for yourself

Do you ever sit at your desk and daydream about working from home, choosing your own hours, and only having yourself to answer to?

Many people are becoming disenchanted with the tedium of a regular 9-5 job. Here are 10 reasons why self-employment is worth the risk.

1 - Work from anywhere, at any time

Most work nowadays can be done from a computer, especially if you’re setting up an online business. Whether it’s from your kitchen table or sitting in your favorite coffee shop with a laptop, your business can be as mobile as you are. You choose whatever schedule works best for you: for example, if you know you get your best creative work done between 7 and 11am, and that you perform better in the evening than immediately after lunch, you can implement this into your routine.

2 - Your schedule becomes more flexible

You can fit your work around children, hobbies, holidays - you’re the boss and you’re in charge of your working hours. With careful planning, you'll rarely have to make that choice between business and pleasure.

3 - You can choose when to focus, and when to relax

You can focus on work when you’re feeling motivated. If you’re like most of us, it’s hard to always be consistently energised: one day you might manage to work 10 hours, the next day 4. Varying your day-to-day hours breaks the cycle of monotony and means you can really make the most of the times when you’re particularly motivated.

4 - You’ll acquire new skills without even realising

There’s no better way to learn than by doing: being self-employed means you’ll always be learning new skills, like how to manage your accounts, marketing, sales, staffing, product development, project management and decision making. You’ll learn to embrace change and to be adaptable in a way that working for someone else will never be able to teach you.

5 - You’ll be your own boss

No more annoying bosses telling you what to do! Having your own company means you can make your own rules. This can have a positive impact upon company culture and your overall life. Make the most of it.

6 - You get all the credit

You’ll get the recognition you deserve. As it’s your company, you’re the person who is ultimately accountable, which also means you’ll get all the credit when things go right. You’ll be proud of every little success, as it’ll be off your own back.

7 - You’re able to take risks

Without the uncertainty that comes with answering to a boss and following their strategy, it’s much easier to take risks and try out different ideas that you think are appropriate for your business. You can take creative risks too: your own business gives you the time and perspective to find and explore your passion. 

8 - It’s a confidence boost

You’ll begin to notice that things that previously seemed out of reach will begin to look achievable. Still lingering over a past rejection, or a hurtful comment made by a co-worker? Previous knock-backs will fade as you begin to trust yourself and see that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Go out there and realize that the only person you need to impress is yourself. 

9 - The possibilities are endless

Isn't it exciting that the next phone call could be a new client; the next email a bulk order of your product? You never know what each day will bring. Everything you put into the business will reap rewards: the hard work you put into your job will benefit not just everyone who works with you, but your future too.

10 - The sky’s the limit

Running a business is hard: we all know this. And while there's no guarantee with regards to how much money you can ultimately make, running a business is the perfect opportunity to turn your passion into a career. And with enough dedication, the right mindset, and plenty of hard work, nothing can beat the thrill of working for yourself.

It takes real guts and versatility to be self-employed, and we’ll be with you every step of the way. Why not start a free trial with Create today and see if you’ve got what it takes to run your own online business?

source: www.create.net


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