7 Reasons Why You Should Never Pretend To Be Someone You're Not

 Image result for image of someone relaxing

The Big Five personality traits in psychology are openness, conscientiousness, extra version, agreeableness and neuroticism. Of course, these are the most basic – each trait correlates to a cluster of related and more specific traits.
Every person possesses these traits to some degree and the traits fluctuate in intensity throughout our lifetimes. In other words, we do have some control over how intensely each trait manifests itself.

However, as just about everything in relation to psychology and consciousness, it’s much more complicated than that. To keep things simple, each trait has a natural or comfortable resting state.
The traits do have some elasticity, but as with all things, there are limits.
Pushing certain traits further than they are naturally inclined to be affects all the other traits – supplementing some and decreasing the prominence of others.
Pushing some traits too far, literally trying to be someone you’re not meant to be, is one of the worst things you could possibly do.

1. You will almost certainly fail.

2. If you do succeed, you certainly won’t be happy.

3. Continuing to pretend you are someone you’re really not will eventually make you crash and burn.

4. To make things worse, before you crash and burn, you will likely push yourself further and further in the wrong direction – guaranteeing maximum misery before you fall apart.


5. By the time you accept defeat, you would have caused immense damage – to your mind, your body, your relationships and your whole life.


6. You are you and only you; you may wish you were someone else, but you aren’t and will never be.

7. Pretending to be someone you’re not for long enough will cause you to lose the person you really are, or that you once were.


You may have never been entirely certain of who that person was or is, but now you have pushed yourself so far in the wrong direction that the person may be lost forever.
Not everything is undoable. Not everything can be fixed or mended. Some things, once broken, will remain broken forever.

SOURCE: www.elitedaily.com/





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