5 Reasons to Work Out Before Checking Your Emails and Social Media

 Image result for 5 reasons to workout before checking your emails and social media

1 – It Will Destroy Your Focus – Work Out Before Checking Your Emails And Social Media

There are two types of people in the world, the ones that will achieve success and ones that won’t. The difference? Focus. If you want to achieve your goals as bad as you want to breathe you will let nothing stop you or distract you.

So when you wake up in the morning and begin to get ready for your workout toss your smart phone aside, you have much bigger things in mind than anything you’ll scroll past.

2 – It Ruins Your Posture & Can Cause Injury – Work Out Before Checking Your Emails And Social Media

Functional strength expert Angelo Grinceri points out the habit of hunching forward while texting on your phone alters the natural balance of your spine by flattening the lumbar curve and allowing your head to hang forward. “poor lifestyle habits lead to shoulder and neck pain.” Both of which can cause unnecessary strain on your neck after waking, which could contribute to injury at the gym.

If you’re serious about working out get up, stretch and do a proper warm up before the gym, so that when you enter you are ready to give your all.

3 – It Affects Your Mentality – Work Out Before Checking Your Emails And Social Media

Steve Furtick said it best “One reason we struggle with insecurity: we’re comparing our behind the scenes to everyone else’s highlight reel.” If the first thing you do each morning is jump on social media and compare your life to others, it is going to leave you feeling lousy, you need to have laser like vision on your own goals. Let nothing affect your mentality, you need to enter the arena with unwavering ferocity. So do what’s important first and never give away your power.

4 – Your Intensity Suffers – Work Out Before Checking Your Emails And Social Media

If you do find yourself at the gym with your phone, perhaps like me you use it to listen to music. Take note of these do’s and don’ts.

Don’t Text

Another noteworthy study, published in Computers in Human Behavior last year, found that people who texted during a 20-minute workout spent almost 10 of those minutes in a low-intensity zone, and only seven minutes in high intensity. Those who worked out without a phone spent only 3 minutes in low intensity, and almost 13 minutes in high intensity.

Do Listen To Music

The good news is that listening to music on a cell phone had no notable impact on balance, so exercisers should feel free to use their tunes. In fact, earlier research has shown that listening to music during exercise can boost workout intensity and enjoyability. 

Put your phone on airplane mode.

A clever tip for avoiding distraction is to turn your phone onto airplane mode. That will block you from receiving messages, emails & snapchats (don’t worry they come through once you switch it back on)

5 – It Weakens Your Integrity

The most valuable currency in life is your own integrity. Doing what you believe is right, when no one is watching. By giving in first thing in the morning and procrastinating, you damage your own sense of self respect which is a dangerous precedent to set. Do what’s hard, but what’s right and you will earn your own self respect. No one can take that away from you and you will see the results in every aspect of your life. “The things you do when no ones watching are the things that will define you.

source: www.fearlessmotivation.com


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