8 Ways to Be More Confident: Live the Life of Your Dreams


“With realization of one's own potential & self confidence in one's ability, one can build a better world.” ~Dalai Lama

1. Tap into the confidence you were born with.

I feel it's something that is always there, something you’re born with that gets lost along the way, or stolen by others. Sometimes you have to dig deep to find it again. ~Amy Lee Tempest

2. Know your strengths and weaknesses.

As you learn who you are, you gain confidence in your strengths and also learn your weaknesses. ~Angela Birt

3. Expect success.

Confidence comes from success…But confidence also combines another quality because you can be successful, yet lack confidence. It requires a mental attitude shift to an expectation of success. And this alone, can bring about more success, reinforcing the confidence. It spirals from there. ~Jason Hihn

4. Trust your capabilities.

Confidence comes not from knowing you know everything, but from knowing you can handle what comes up. ~Donn King

5. Embrace the unknown.

Confidence comes from a space of humility. It is spawned when we dare to see the world through an alternate lens. It grows when we have the courage to embrace the experience of the unknown and the unknowable. ~Hana Lee

6. Take risks.

Confidence is a funny thing. You go out and do the thing you're most terrified of, and the confidence comes afterwards. ~Christopher Kaminski

7. Learn to receive praise.

Confidence is earned through positive recognition and reinforcement. ~Don La Franchi

8. Practice confidence.

It can be practiced—and with that practice you will get better. ~Jacqueline Wolven

SOURCE: tinybuddha.com


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