6 benefits of Employee Recognition


Employees respond to appreciation at work, especially when it’s expressed through recognition of their efforts because it confirms their work is valued. A simple thank you goes a long way and will not only make your employees feel good, but will actually benefit your business in the process. Here’s how:

1. Productivity

It’s well-known that engaged staff are significantly more productive, working efficiently and proactively in order to do a good job.  If efforts are likely to be praised and rewarded, then it makes sense that a member of staff will work harder to receive such employee recognition

2. Job satisfaction

Recognizing an employee’s efforts demonstrates that the job they’re doing is valuable to the business. It sends the message that their hard work is worth rewarding and therefore must be important. This, in turn, makes the individual feel that they are making a difference.

3. Employee happiness

A happy and fulfilled employee can be motivated to perform better because of the positive feeling they have towards the company.  If an employer treats its staff with respect and gratitude, then those staff members will want to do a good job in return. This positivity can also be felt across the business, creating a happy working environment that people will want to be a part of.

4. Retention

A high staff turnover leads to poor morale that can make others want to look elsewhere. The time required to find and train new staff affects utilization and the fiscal costs are high, so retaining staff has to be a priority. The provision of rewards gives employees a tangible reason to stay.

5. Loyalty

If your employees are engaged with your business, they will be able to promote and sell your brand far better than someone who does not believe in or care about it. Rewarding hard work generates loyalty and helps your team to feel an emotional bond with your organization.

6. Team culture

Rewards that incorporate peer-to-peer recommendations are great for team spirit, as they encourage staff to see the positive attributes in one another. Teams are well-placed to do this, as they work alongside each other every day. Plus, allowing colleagues to nominate one another for rewards is empowering, as it demonstrates that they value each other’s opinion.
 A happy and fulfilled employee can be motivated to perform better because of the positive feeling they have towards the company.

SOURCE: www.crworldwide.com


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