8 Reasons to ALWAYS Believe in Yourself

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In my life, I have been told that I wasn't good enough or that I'm not worth it. Of course at the time that really hurt, but over time I realized that the people who would say those kinds of things to you are toxic. The people who make you doubt yourself are the worst kinds of people. Nobody should ever have enough power to make you doubt yourself and you should NEVER stop believing in yourself. Here are eight reasons why: 
1. If you don't believe in yourself, who will?
If you don't believe that you are special, why would anyone else? Anyone can tell you that they believe in you but it will never do it for you. You are the only person who is in control of your life and can really make it better. People come and go but you will always have yourself, so you need to believe in yourself.
2.You know what you are capable of doing.
Nobody knows how far you will or what you are capable of, only you do. The voice inside your head that tells you that you can do something, even if it's frightening, is usually right and what you should trust, not anyone else.

3. It makes you stronger.
When you believe in yourself, you know how to get through really tough situations and you know how to help yourself better. You become more confident in who you are and the decisions that you make.
4. You become your own source of motivation.
When you become your own source of motivation you are able to motivate yourself to do things that you normally wouldn't do or instead of waiting for someone else to push you. You are able to encourage yourself when nobody else is supporting you.
5. You only learn when you follow your own judgement.
Whether you were right or wrong, following your judgement and trusting yourself is the best way to learn. By trusting yourself and following your own judgment, you will quickly learn to get it right without having to question yourself.
6.It makes you unafraid of change.
By believing in yourself, you give yourself the control to do whatever you want with your life. You're not afraid to change things in your life because you know that you will survive whatever comes along next and that you have the strength to adapt to any difficult situation that comes your way.
7. You build better relationships.
It all goes back to the first point, if you don't believe in yourself, who will? Believing in yourself allows you to build deeper and more meaningful relationships. Believing in yourself allows you to set limits with people. To not let people walk all over you.

8. You're more willing to try new things.
Believing in yourself gives you power to take risks and to try different things that people full of doubt wouldn't do. Believing in yourself allows you to experience new opportunities and adventures in your life that you wouldn't have done or tried before.

SOURCE: www.theodysseyonline.com


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