The Boss or The Leader

The Boss or The Leader You either choose to be a boss or leader; not possible to be the two and perform rightly. Both titles can be said to be the same but there exist differences which differentiates them. Every organization or group has a boss but not all has a leader. A boss is a person who exercises control or authority, who directs or supervises workers. A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who rallies people to move toward that better vision. A boss can never do the duties of a leader while a leader can do everything that is expected as the duties of a boss. A boss mostly has a dominating, over-powering, selfish spirit, unapproachable aura; a leader on the other hand is selfless, accommodating and approachable. A boss manages their employees, while a leader inspires them to innovate, think creatively, and strive for perfection. A boss claims to know it all,a leader is known to be willing to learn. A boss talks more than he/she listens, a leader listens more than he/she talks. A boss gives solutions, a leader seeks answers. A boss criticizes, a leader encourages. A boss points out weaknesses, a leader recognizes natural gifts. A boss directs, a leader coaches. A boss defends ego, a leader reveals vulnerability. A boss focuses on himself/herself, a leader focuses on the team. A boss puts the blame on others, a leader takes responsibility. A boss demands results, a leader inspires performance. A boss is cold, a leader is compassionate. A boss uses people, a leader invests in people. A boss is feared, a leader is respected. A boss takes credit, a leader gives credit. A boss sees delegation as an enemy, a leader sees delegation as a best friend. A boss never works, a leader works hard. A boss thinks short-term, a leader thinks long-term. A boss is a boss anytime and any day, a leader is a colleague. A boss puts result first, a leader puts people first. Every team has a boss, but what people need is a leader who will help them achieve greatness. A boss has not-so-good values but a leader has positive values and can be reckoned with. Be A Leader. By Akinleye Grace Oluwabusola @grace_akinleye


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