Fame is the state of being known or talked about by many people, especially on account of notable achievements.The ambiguity of life is fame. It has different angels to think in subconscious minds. But in realization it comes only when someone is perfect for doing any exceptional work. Many people thinks to be famous within a moment without considering the quality. But the famous momentum of any sorts of activities deepens through the honesty, courtesy, audacity, and ability. These types of characters never easy to achieve in a single moment. These characters are interrelated to each other and one is helpless without others as well. People with an overriding desire to be widely known to strangers are different from those who primarily covet wealth and influence. Their fame-seeking behavior appears rooted in a desire for social acceptance, a longing for the existential reassurance promised by wide renown. To the person who has no vision for how they can serve the whole, fame can be a very important drug. it can help to keep them asleep so that they don't notice that their life is empty and meaningless. The public acclaim can provide the illusion of meaningful accomplishment. Fame is deeply attractive because it seems to offer very significant benefits. The fantasies go like this: when you are famous, wherever you go, your good reputation will precede you. People will think well of you, because your merits have been impressively explained in advance. You will get warm smiles from admiring strangers. You won’t need to make your own case laboriously on each occasion. When you are famous, you will be safe from rejection. You won’t have to win over every new person. Fame will mean other people will be flattered and delighted even if you are only slightly interested in them. They will be amazed to see you in the flesh. They’ll ask to take a photo with you. They’ll sometimes laugh nervously with excitement. Furthermore, no one will be able to afford to upset you. When you’re not pleased with something, it will become a big problem for others. If you say your hotel room isn’t up to scratch, the management will panic. Your complaints will be taken very seriously. Your happiness will become the focus of everyone’s efforts. You will make or break other people’s reputations. You’ll be boss. The desire for fame has its roots in the experience of neglect, in injury. No one would want to be famous who hadn’t also, somewhere in the past, been made to feel extremely insignificant. We sense the need for a great deal of admiring attention when we have been painfully exposed to earlier deprivation. Perhaps one’s parents were hard to impress. They never noticed one much, they were so busy on other things, focusing on other famous people, unable to have or express kind feelings, or just working too hard. There were no bedtime stories and one’s school reports weren’t the subject of praise and admiration. That’s why one dreams that one day the world will pay attention. When we’re famous, our parents will have to admire us too (which throws up an insight into one of the great signs of good parenting: that your child has no desire to be famous). Fame comes and goes. The public is fickle. Even the kids involved with the college scandal will become ‘famous’ again because the public has a short memory. Now, on the other hand, fame can bring power which can alter the world in a good way. So, my answer: yes, I want to be famous but only if that fame brings me relevancy, helps me create a life that matters. Famous people describe a new relationship with the “space” around them, as a component of learning how to live in a celebrity world. “It’s like fame defines you to a certain degree: it puffs you up, or it shrinks you down,” one celebrity said. By:Oluwapelumi Atanseiye @pearlumie_


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