Consistency is the quality of always behaving the same way or having the same opinion and standard, steadfast adherence to the same principles, course and form. Consistency is a great characteristic to build and implement in one's life. The key to consistency is setting and achieving specific goals. Start by determining how you want to be more consistent in your life, and aim for these small goals. Over time, as you become more consistent, keep yourself motivated and accountable. This may require some change in thinking so that you stay optimistic and productive throughout the process. The following will help in getting consistent: - Create specific and realistic goals: It’s hard to be consistent if you don’t have a strong idea of what you need to do. When starting your new path, create easy, simple goals with specific, measurable results. Start by defining what consistency means to you. Do you need to be consistent with your exercise habits? Are you aiming for a higher quality of work? Do you want to be more available and reliable in your relationships? Once you’ve identified your end goal, come up with smaller steps to reach it. For example, if you want to become more physically fit, you might set the goal to exercise for 5 days out of the week or to sign up for a class, be specific. - Create a schedule for yourself: It can be easy to pile on tasks and promises, but a calendar, planner, or schedule will keep you on track. A schedule will help you plan your day so that you get everything done on time. It will also help you understand what commitments you do and do not have time for. - Place reminders around your home, workspace, and belongings: Sometimes, it is easy to forget our new goals, habits, commitments, or promises, especially when we make them to ourselves. To remind yourself throughout the day, put messages to yourself in visible areas. - Keep going if you make a mistake: Even the most consistent and well-organized people slip up sometimes. Plan for potential failure, and don't beat yourself up if you make a mistake along the way. Just because you had to cancel an appointment, break a promise, or pass a deadline doesn’t mean you’re not consistent. Sometimes, despite our best planning, external factors can get in the way. - Take time off to recharge: Consistency doesn’t mean that you are working all of the time. In fact, if you give yourself time off, you’ll improve your productivity and avoid burning out. Schedule in time for yourself, and don’t let work or other commitments get in the way. For example, you might give yourself an hour each evening to read, take a bath, or watch TV. Don’t work during this time. Meditation is also a great way to quiet your brain and give yourself some peace. Practice meditating for at least 5 minutes each day and work your way up to 15 minutes at a time. Don't push aside your personal time if you have other responsibilities. For example, if you need Saturday mornings to sleep in, don't promise your significant other that you'll wake up to mow your lawn. Tell them you'll do it on another day or time (and make sure to come through on this promise!). - Use motivational tools to keep going even when you don’t feel like it: When you’re tired or stressed, it can be easy just to let your goals slide for a day, but these actions can quickly cause you to get off track. If you’re feeling down or lazy, try to find new sources of motivation. - Hold yourself Accountable: To be consistent you have to make sure that you recognize when you don't reach the standards and goals that you've set. In these moments, consider if your goals are realistic or ask yourself what you can do to improve. - Give yourself time to see changes: Whenever you try to establish new habits, understand that it can take time. Instead of uprooting your life with several new practices at once, allow yourself time to figure out what works. Be realistic with what you can expect to see over time. - Set boundaries for your commitments and personal relationships: Boundaries make it easier to keep commitments because you have a specific limit in which to function. Before taking on new tasks or promises, establish what you are willing and able to do as well as what you know you really can’t do. - Build your willpower: Consistency requires willpower to achieve because consistency tends to lean towards performing even when you don't feel like it. To do that, you need to have the willpower to for it. Avoid temptation wherever possible. For example, if you want to be consistent about eating healthy, make sure that you have healthy options on hand for when you're hungry. Don't keep unhealthy food around. Exhaustion can cause you to skip tasks. Get at least 7-9 hours of sleep a night to keep yourself going. Remind yourself of the long-term benefits whenever you feel unmotivated. Read over your list of goals for inspiration. - Eliminate negative thinking: Negative thinking is the bane of consistency and of willpower. When you think negatively you are making yourself less likely to be able to hold to your consistent actions. Pay attention to negative thought patterns that will hinder you in the future. Catch yourself if you start thinking "I can't do this" or "I'm stupid." When you do notice these negative thought patterns, turn them around or introduce a more positive or neutral thought. So for example, if you find yourself thinking "I can't do this," turn it around and think, "I'm going to practice doing this, even if I'm not great at it to start with." If you’re starting to dread a task or goal, revise the task, goal, or outcome. Break it up into smaller steps or promise yourself a reward when you get it done. Consistency should be our top priority when reaching our goals, it's a big key to success. By: Sidiqah Uthman @rebirth_2003


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