How much or rather how great is your staying power? Are you really willing to endure and fight till you get that which you desire? Will you able stand the test of time? If it is worth the wait, will you wait? Do you give up easily even though you are aware of the great light at the end of the tunnel? These and many others are questions we should ask ourselves whenever we plan on going on with a project or doing something. Shying away from these things can really cost more than we can handle. Staying Power is the ability to maintain an activity or commitment despite fatigue or difficulty; stamina. Staying power is concerned with the ability to maintain an activity or commitment despite fatigue or difficulty. Staying power is a thing of the mind, it starts from within you, it necessarily might not be dependent on external factors but it definitely has effect on our external activities and life. Your staying power is the real reason behind your push and drive. The moment a being lacks a good proportion of staying power, he/she easily begins to lose interest and focus and commitment. It is a thing if willingness, it cannot be enforced, it cannot be given and it cannot be received. Every man with his own staying power. When you damage or kill your staying power, you have succeeded in killing your dream, vision as the case may be. People always start with vigor, deep aspirations and inspirations, but things that happen as we journey and our reactions towards such things, fantasies and realities, determine the real robustness of our staying power and what distinctive thing we are able to do in reality with our vigor, aspirations and inspirations in the end. Reduce how much you get swayed and affected by things that happen around you, most are usually short-termed and as a result should not be a reason why you get relaxed, get disappointed, lose hope and give up. You just have to keep up the fire that you had burning in you. If you think you have a low staying power, do not worry; your staying power can be worked on and given a great boost. Just do these: Understand why you are there. Give your circumstance a purpose. Find a reason to need to be where you are. Accept and embrace the change. Things will change, whether you are ready or not. Sometimes this will be due to explicit action and other times not at all. Change will happen and your ability to accept this will determine what you gain from the experience. Be comfortable with any outcome. Often times we stress about desired outcomes when we should be focusing instead on the journey to get there and refining our skills and abilities instead. Short-term deviations from a long term goal are inevitable and so long as you keep your focus on item number 1 from above, then the current circumstances become manageable and tolerable. Find the win-win. There is good to be derived from all circumstances. Your ability to experience and perceive what you are going through is a testament to your liveliness and activeness in this lifetime. Relish in all that it is. Learn, learn, and learn! The best lessons are learned in times of difficulty that require resilience, creativity and perseverance. Each opportunity to learn brings you closer to better opportunities and allows you to better side step bad ones. Why not learn every-time from everything and everyone? Staying Power And the greatest beauty you could clothe your body with Are the gilded gems of staying power Like traces of molten gold fusing through your cells That which has the capacity to overcome, endure, persevere And stay ever faithful to the soul beneath the person To the spirit that cauterizes the flames No matter what And forever more By Akinleye Grace Oluwabusola @grace_akinleye


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