I stayed in the class for about an hour, then the teacher came in to take over. When she arrived, the girls got excited because I was leaving, and that the teacher would perhaps be a bit lenient. I was so grieved about those students. The foundation was already faulty! They didn't believe that they could pass exams on their own;They had tied their academic success to all kinds of malpractice. It was really saddening to know that these ones were very young; majority of them were below age 18. Then I thought, "how will they cope at the tertiary level of education?" "How will they come out strong and able to defend their academic achievements?" "What will they pass down to the generations coming behind them?" To those students, the meaning of examination malpractice had been lost, they didn't see it as cheating or something bad. They only saw it as "helping" themselves. Some of them would even go as far as saying "The Bible tells us to help our neighbors", trying to defend themselves and polish the evil act, thereby making it seem good. All these are because they had taken bad examples from the people ahead of them, they had seen some of their mentors, role models and seniors do these things and got away with them. They were not exposed to the right influence and so, they consumed what they were not meant to. They took in the wrong seeds which poses a big threat to their future! Dear friends I implore you, as much as you can, please inspire these young ones. Make them see that there's dignity in labour; shortcuts and tricks won't take them to the Great heights GOD has destined for them. Do not be a bad influence! Live a life that's worth emulating, a life that shines light unto the path of others! Do not contribute to further degradation of our Education sector rather, contribute to it's reformation! Enough of us lamenting on how bad things have been.... It's time to Stand up for truth and justice! Be an inspiration to these children, be a good influence! © Folake Oladipo Youth Development Expert | Minstrel | Writer | Speaker | Fashionpreneur FB: @Oladipo Folake IG: @Folake Oladipo


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