+"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you are right". _Henry Ford. Your ability or inability to do the impossible is a function of your thought pattern. "...As a man thinks in his heart so he is" If you think you can do the seemingly impossible then you can! And if you think otherwise then you have what you think! You cannot fill your mind with negative thoughts and expect your mouth to bring forth Positive Words. "Out of the abundance of heart the mouth speaks" Your thoughts form your words and your life is framed by your words. Getting that difficult task done starts from your mind. Once you're able to think that you can do it, then you are a step closer to achieving it! Be deliberate about engaging and building your mind to think possibility always, this will give you courage to surmount any mountain that may come your way! In my Book, DEFYING THE ODDS, I shared how Thinking Right brought me some victories. I'm sure it will be of help to you too! © Folake Oladipo Youth Development Expert | Minstrel | Writer | Speaker | Fashionpreneur


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