Everyday people all over the world share a several universl experiences and the most common of all is choices. Life is made up of choices. I believe life is just a series of decisions we make, and depending on our choices, we must live with the result of that decision, we must put to mind that in some way the decisions we make will change our lives forever. Because there are so many factors involved with our decision making and with its unknown result many of us hesitate to even make a choice thinking it would be safer and that we'd be better off where we are instead of delving into the unknown. Just take a time to think of how many events in history would never have occured if someone did not make the choice to do something different, unknown, unproved or unexperienced. How many relationships would never have being realised without making a particular choice? You cannot control the world but you can control how you choose t react to various situations and how you will handle them. When making a choice, one must be aware of how their choice will affect the future ramifications of their lives. There are different types of choices, some are easy to make while others are more difficult. Choices that will affect other people's lives are more difficult to make, choices regarding lifes decison such as career, moving, etc are very difficult because in most cases, the response to that choice will be longlasting. In the course of making some decisions one mustn't be selfish because it might have a lasting impact, be careful in decision making. omo_iya_oyin


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