Your comfort zone is an artificial mental boundary within which you maintain a sense of security and out of which you experience great discomfort. Its your comfort zone, but stepping out of it is key to discovering your passion, accomplishing your goals and finding happiness. Without the proper motivation, we are willing to stay in a situation that doesnt make us completely happy, for the fear that the discomfort we'll feel by stepping out of our current circumstances will be greater than the discontent we feel now however unfulfilled we are. By not stepping out of your comfort zone, you're costig yourself three of the greatest gifts life has to offer. If you dont step out of your comfort zone, it keeps you from growth,youwont have the urge to try new things, it conditions you to settle for less. When you step out of your comfort zone, you break greater feets, surmounts mountains and achieve more. Step out of your comfort zone. omo_iya_oyin


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