Regret and Remorse somewhat feels the same. Regret is when people wish they had not taken the action they took or said the hurtful things they said. This is often because their action had a consequence that upsets them or it took a turn they did not expect. Maybe their action got them into trouble or it brought a negative feedback. Remorse on the other hand is about feeling bad about having made someone else upset. Probably their actions got them into trouble or brought problems to their counterpart. The feeling of regret and remorse are outrightly different. So how can you tell if someone is regretful or remorseful? Regret statements usually sound like this: -I'm sorry that you took it like that -I'm not making excuses, but you do that too - I shouldn't have done that,i don't want to make you mad On the other hand, remorse statements lead to true apology, including concern for your feelings, and responsibility for their actions. - I'm sorry that i hurt you, what can i do to help you? - You have a right to be angry - I should not have said or done that to you. Not only are the words different, but the emotional concern in remorse is deeply felt and conveyed with a focus on making amends. Regrets often seems flat, emotionless and is more focused on moving on and getting the punishment over with but with remorse, there is emotions attached because you are realise whatever it is you have done and come to terms with it and you are ready to make amends. In this world filled with negativity, we should always be swift to apologise when we realise we have done wrong to others and be sincere with our apology. Let love lead!!! The feeling of Remorse goes a long way than that of Regret. omo_iya_oyin


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