There is a saying, anything worth doing at all is worth doing well. Commitment means giving a piece of ourselves in what we do that is, putting all your mind and might to make something work out fine. It sounds simple but it definitely is not. It's simple nor obvious. The obviousness got lost in the dominance of the 'everyone for his/her own discourse'. For those who can not give that piece of his or herself in his/her actions, it is difficult to understand why others commit themselves. Commitment must be experienced not explained that is why an explanation cannot match the experience of commitment. Commitment can also mean being busy with someone other than yourself.
If we are committed, we can't but look beyond ourselves and step into a real relationship with the other. It is not a relationship where you find yourself lost or in which only the other exists, it is a constructive relationship where your commitment is essential. Therefore, commitment in whatever kind of relationship is being selfless that is your own personal interest isn't paramount anymore but whatever is going on with the other person also becomes your business that way you are showing commitment to the other.
In the same light, stay committed to whatever it is you are doing in the path to greatness. I often hear people recount why they gave up, they most times say 'it wasn't fun anymore, Life is all about having fun'. The point is, our minds have the ability to create any mental state we impose on it. Through belief, you create circumstances for giving up and thus validate it by looking for evidence to substantiate it. Success requires a lot of discipline, hard work, perseverance, will, courage, faith, determination, and of course commitment.


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