We experience a lot of different thoughts, feelings, and emotions in the midst of a depressive episode. Depression makes us feel bad about ourselves, worthless, and probably ugly. DEpression makes us view things unrealistically like nothing good ever happens like we don't deserve happiness in our lives. Desperation makes us feel emotions that we don't deserve to feel, extreme sadness, anxiety, and hopelessness. But one intense feeling that depression causes us to feel, that we don't often have the words to explain is desperation.
These situations all leave us feeling desperate and when one or more of them occur simultaneously, it becomes overwhelming and our feeling of desperation grows. Desperation is the feeling that a situation is so bad that no matter what you do, it will never get better. Desperation is an expert at making us feel like we are in such bad shape that we cant be fixed. Depression is good at convincing us that there is no help available to us and leaves us feeling desperate.
The most important thing for us to realize is that depression is a liar and that the desperation we feel is not to be trusted. Whatever the case may be, do not allow yourself to fall into depression, as depression is the major cause of desperation.


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