Vibes is short for vibrations. In life it is commonplace to experience sometimes we just shy from a stranger and contrarily one may have pleasant feelings when seeing a stranger. The later is said to have positive vibes. The vibe is the feeling that someone or something gives you. Vibes are the emotional signals a person gives out to those around them with their body language and social interactions. An example of good vibes is a happy person smiling and having a positive effect on those around them. So, positive vibes mean the positive feelings that you get from someone or something. A person should be always concerned about positive vibes of something, while the negative side gives you nothing in turn. Be optimistic.

A positive vibe means you are at a place where you are thinking positive thoughts and that is your point of attraction. It is actually a normal thing to feel low, no motivation or any sort from anyone or anything but you have to forge ahead and make thins work for yourself. You can boost your positive vibes or energy doing the following:

1. Ask Yourself: "Do I Think Positively?"
2. Strengthen Your Memory For Positive Information
3. Stop Minimizing Your Successes
4. Strengthen Your Brain's Ability to Work With Positive Information
5. Pay Attention to the Positive
6. Let Yourself Think Negative When You Need To
7. Practice Gratitude
8. Savor the Good Moments
9. Watch Positive Videos
10. Stop All-or-Nothing Thinking

Everyone needs positive vibes and energy. Have you asked yourself what kind of vibes do you give out to people. This is quite important because as much as you desire positive energy from people you need to give it out too. It is a give and take situation. So the following are ways you can give out positive vibes:

- Keep All Your Energy Focused
- Work On Accomplishing Your Goals
- Say A Few Affirmations Each Morning
- Find What's Positive In Others
- Keep Your Posture Open
- Stay In The Moment
- Dish Out The Compliments
- Remember To Take Care Of Yourself.

So spread positive vibes only!!!!!!!!

By: Oluwapelumi Atanseiye @pearlumie_
Cc: Quora.com


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