So many people have refused to adapt to their reality. Living in an illusion; they have a certain perception of what things should like against what it really is. Illusion makes you believe you can control things that are uncontrollable. Stop trying to control people and situations. One of life’s most important lessons is learning to give up the illusion of control. You may wonder how you suppose to give that up, but the fact is you were never in control. The moment you think you’re in control is the moment you’re out of control.

It makes you see only the bad in yourself and others. If you ask someone to list things about themselves most will list liabilities. People have a hard time seeing the good within themselves. Not finding the good in you makes it impossible to see the good in others. That is why it’s important to take a complete self-assessment and list your assets along with your liabilities and accept what you find. When you do this everyone wins. You win because you begin to grow and others win because they are encouraged to grow from watching you.

You believe everything you feel and think. Imagine being judged inaccurately by two people who don’t know you. Believing everything you feel and think is just like listening to two people gossip. Your feelings aren’t facts it is most times an illusion. Don’t believe everything you think and feel because they can influence you to make unwise decisions. Learn to make decisions from facts and not feeling.

When you are living in an illusion it makes you question your self-worth then you start seeking validation on social media. All your life you wanted to belong and fit in, so you spend a lot of time on social media– yet never quite measuring up. The more likes you get the better you feel. The reality you need to hear and afraid to admit it when you’re not getting those likes you think you should be getting, you feel down almost depressed. Depending on social media to feel relevant is an illusion many people believe.

How then do you now live in reality and stop drowning yourself in illusion? Living, in reality, is a life-long process that starts with truth. The truth about self. William Shakespeare says it best with his famous quote, “To thine own self be true.” Planting your feet on the ground is a continual process of ego-deflation, removing masks, and letting go. It’s developing a new vision and finding a new path to a better life and to a better you.

You no longer will believe everything is about you. You no longer will live in a world of illusion. To reach this destination, however, you must first be willing to tell yourself the truth. Live your truth, You will be fine.

By: Atanseiye Oluwapelumi @pearlumie_


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