Reach out to that thing you want to reach you. Extend as far as you can to get what you really want. You refuse to reach out to it out of your act of laziness, procrastination, non-nonchalance and you still believe within yourself that you can get what you want. In case you have forgotten let me remind you that you can never reach the beautiful unless you strive for it. You have a list of your goals, a list of things you really want to become, you have even set a time frame for each, yet you are doing nothing about it. Getting a list of your goals is good but it definitely isn't enough. There are other things to be done to make your imaginations a reality.
For a start, pen down your goals, set a deadline, work on your mindset. Do not forget to develop your skillset. Take the first set. Continue to completion. Finally, reward yourself. The rewarding part might sound awkward but it is really necessary; the reward is good in giving you a push for a further move.
In the real sense, there are some happenings that might prevent you from reaching out. Some are: waiting to take action until you 'feel' ready, viewing mistakes as failure, not making your goal a priority, underestimating how hard it will be, giving up before you see results, sabotaging yourself just before the finish line, setting your sights too high, and many more. There are quite a number of solutions to these things, but it all starts from you, you determine what is to become of your reaching out, no one can help you to reach out, they can only give you support.

Ryan Eggold said, “Never stop taking risks. Just keep reaching.” Risks are not bad and they won't kill you, take them so far your achievement is certain by that move. You would not know the outcome a step until you take a risk.

Also, Kathy Seligman said, "You can’t reach your goals if you don’t try." A trial will convince and a trial will not kill you. Failure is not about not getting to your destination; failure is in never taking the journey.

Vera Nazarian once said “When you reach for the stars, you are reaching for the farthest thing out there. When you reach deep into yourself, it is the same thing, but in the opposite direction. If you reach in both directions, you will have spanned the universe.”

On a final note, what you have looking for might just be within your reach, waiting for you to make a little reach to get it. Take that step. Extend those hands. Make a move. Reach out for it.


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