Ignorance is a lack of Facts or Awareness, knowing little or nothing, or it may mean uninformed about a particular subject. For example, When tobacco was first used, people were largely ignorant of the harmful side effects of it. A negative attitude about another race is an example of ignorance.

Ignorance can also mean that a person is lazy to notice something, or is doing so deliberately. An ignorant person is someone who lacks critical thinking skills, and who hasn’t really learned to think at all. It’s someone who doesn’t understand logic or why it’s valuable. It’s someone whose thoughts all come from other people, and the only creativity or originality coming from the person himself is the way the information is ordered in his brain. Ignorant people pretend to be original and pretend to care about what’s true when all they really care about is being comfortable and lazy.

Some claim that the love of money and power is the root of all that is evil. However, if you trace all evil acts back to their root, you invariably find ignorance as being the root source. So what can we do to diminish such an evil force?

Ignorance can only be overcome at the level of the individual mind, so it can often be a hit and miss affair as to which individuals will maintain a steadfast course in diminishing its negative potential throughout their lives. Ultimately ignorance is a choice, so unless we first recognize ignorance for what it is and how it negatively impacts on our thoughts and actions, then we will remain mired in the ignorance of our own personal ignorance, which in itself is the root of all potential evil.

Self-awareness is the beginning of the diminution of evil in the world. Each being is a cosmos of one, and, like the greater Cosmos, we either manifest a positive force or a negative one in our short sojourn within it. As I said previously, ignorance is a choice. We all choose as to what we contribute to the greater mountain of ignorance, or to its reduction.

BY: Atanseiye Oluwapelumi @pearlumie_
cc: Quora.com


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