Hey, easy does it!!!
I know there is pressure everywhere, pressure to achieve great feet at a speculated time, pressure to get married when your mates are, pressure to have kids, but hey calm down because you will get all of that and much more but at the right time. Do things at your own pace, every individual has a time frame just like all fingers are not equal, even siblings born of the same parents have a different time frame, twin siblings born few seconds apart from the same womb has an entirely different time frame. You might say my friend has a house already, he has a car already, he is married and has a family why is mine different?
As long as you are taking steps in the right direction and of course involve God all step of the way, know that you need to write the common entrance examination before getting admitted into secondary school, write the SSCE and JAMB exams before getting admitted into a higher institution, so is life's journey. After a level, you need to pass a few steps before being admitted to another level.
Giving up is not an option, ONE STEP AT A TIME.


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